Need advice replacing my preamp

I have a Modwright LS100. Very nice but not balanced and I have long RCA's so they pick up noise. I am considering 2 preamps. Kindly share your knowledge/experience and advise what you think is better. BTW I will be mating this with a Wells Audio Inamorata power amp. The 2 preamps in question are the BAT vk42se or PS Audio BHK Signature Pre. Thanks.
The question is, if you are looking for fully balanced or a preamp with XLRs.  Fully balanced, I would add Rogue to your list.  The RP7 is fully balanced and at $5K is a great value.  Rogue will give PS Audio a run for their money in terms of customer service. 

If you don't need fully balanced, the KR P-135 is a really cool preamp.  45 based, delivers detail and a massive soundstage.  

There are outstanding reviews of both.  The Rogue is $5K.   The KR lists for $6200 I think.  

Full disclosure, I am a KR dealer.  I have no affiliation with Rogue other than the fact that I happily own a Hydra.  
'my' personal experience running 100% true differentially balanced systems is that "I" have heard the difference between 0.5M XLRs and 1.0M XLRs from the SAME company: Eichmann Express Copper. Now that was ~ 10 years ago but I never tried it with other XLR cables
@tweak1 @jimbones  If the equipment does not support the standard, you'll be hearing differences between cables. That is also why you see so much disagreement about the value of balanced operation.
@atmasphere  I agree, I am trying to rule out the cables first. BTW I should have clarified that I would like to go Solid State and fully balanced over time. The idea is as I am getting older I dont want to futz with tubes and noise issues so I want to position myself with equipment that will give me that reliability and low noise. Thanks.

When Paul McGowan started selling reasonably priced true balanced preamps I made the switch. True balanced preamps I have owned includes several PS Audio preamps, Lector Audio (special ordered), Parasound (although the pres are 100% true balanced their balanced IOs are), Audio Alchemy DDP-1. Virtually all amps were monoblocks, with the exception of my EVS 1200 which is dual mono 2 AS1200 IcePower modules, but one power cord, although there are 2 PC IECs installed