Is Not Responding To An Offer Just Plain Rude?

Think about it in the context of a BUYER using the Audiogon system - 

1 - “Lowballers will be politely ignored.

What constitutes a lowball offer? Is there a percentage of the asking price below which the offer becomes a “lowball”? If so, what is it? 90%? 75%? ….Is it connected to or disconnected from the length of time the ad has been running?

2 - When the only option is “Make an Offer”.

What am I supposed to do here? Am I supposed to offer more than the asking price? Less than the asking price? If less is OK, then refer to point 1 above.

3 - When the only option is “Make an Offer” and the ad says “price is firm”

What the heck am I supposed to do with that one?

If you’re listing an item with the option of “Make an Offer”, wouldn’t it just be courteous to give the benefit of the doubt to the person submitting the offer, assume he or she is a serious buyer and not a tire-kicker, and just reply one way or the other, in a timely fashion? I mean, there’s nothing lost, right? Just say “NO”. Or make a counteroffer….what’s so difficult?

I just sold a nice preamp to a gentleman who made an offer on it, it arrived with the buyer safely and he’s thrilled with it. So now I have wires hanging loose in my system where a preamp used to be, and it’s almost the Holidays. I found a suitable replacement on Audiogon in the $7K range, made an offer within 10% +/- of the asking price, and…drum roll….….nothing. 

I sat around all weekend waiting for the seller to respond, but they didn’t have the decency to just message me and say no. So I was stuck with the “Seller has 48hrs to review your offer” BS, now I’m back to square one and without the means to play my favorite Kenny G Christmas albums. 

One bandaid fix would be for Audiogon to adopt the ebay system and allow sellers to automatically decline offers below a certain amount. Then they wouldn’t even have to interact with us lowballers and their delicate sensibilities wouldn’t get hurt…..heck, I’d even take a photo of me wearing a mask as I press the ’Submit Offer’ button, if this is a Covid thang…

Whinge over…

Merry Christmas :)

I tried to buy a McIntosh amp on Audiogon back in February.  The ad said make an offer so I did and never got a response. I think the price was $6,500 and I offered $6,000. I then asked what did they want for the amp. Never got a response. Gave up and bought from a dealer. FWIW the amp is still for sale. 
I understand exactly where you are coming from. Despite what some of the jaded members might say, common courtesy shouldn't be dismissed as you being too "emotionally invested". If the seller is providing "wiggle room" in either the selling price or the offers he will respond to, then he is also obligated to presume that not every responder is 100% aligned to his particular parameters. Based on this premise, to not respond is both rude and counterproductive. Even if the buyer's initial offer is offering significantly less than asking price, I would still expect a response. How polite that response is, is up to the seller, but many successful negotiations are the result of offers and counteroffers. That being said, every person has their own way of doing business and that will never change.
If you knew how the offer system worked when you made the offer and agreed to the conditions, why whine about it? The seller is in the driver's seat, not you. 

I made an offer today for an item, at the seller's asking price. They declined it. No reason was given, and none was expected. Maybe someone offered more. Maybe somebody offered full price before I did. Who knows? I knew I might get it and I knew I might not. If you don't like the way the offer system works, don't participate. 
+1 blainer55 I ask questions frequently and follow up by buying, frequently. Ebm’s comment was farcical. 
I wish there is an automatic reject option to offers that are lower than seller's desired asking price. eBay has such options that if the offer is too low than it will be rejected automatically so seller does not need to respond. 

In this particular case, the seller stated low offers will be politely ignored. So he will not respond to offers he does not accept, some will not even say that up front. is 10% too low? It is up to the seller to decide. The seller would not wait for even a day if he think the offer is acceptable.