Should I got full tubes or stick with hybrid amps?

I currently have a Jolida 1501. I like it but I think I have upgraditis. I originally bought it (hybrid) because I’m really sensitive to highs (get a headache). It’s been good to me and I can listen without fatigue.

To help with upgraditis, I just bought a Yamaha AS801 to try out and although it definitely sounds good and has nice detail it is creating a little fatigue for me. I’m still in the break-in period so this may smooth out a bit.  (I definitely like having bass/treble controls).

Thinking about picking up a full tube amp or another hybrid for comparison. I don’t know much about other manufacturers of tubes/hybrids.

What’s the difference (sonically) between a hybrid and a full tube amp? Any recommendations?

"...Those Musical Fidelity amps are considerably more expensive than the 801...... I'm sure they sound great. :-)..."

Yes but you will just be breaking into the first rung of real hi-fi sound. They are cheap for what they deliver.    
“Low efficiency and warm loudspeakers don’t really cry out for tubes.”

Beg to differ. Ok. Maybe not low powered ones. Currently using a
Rogers High Fidelity KWM-88 Integrated Amplifier (fully returnable) to drive Souns Fabers and the sound is mid range focused. Not to bright or trebly. I have also heard gushing over the rogue amps.
2k might get you a used PrimaLuna?

There’s an old saying that kind of fits here. “Price, Quality, Speed; pick two.”
Well at a budget of $2000, stick to an integrated amplifier. 

I doubt the Yamaha 801 is an upgrade to the Jolida, just different and likely not less harsh ( I own the Yamaha 701). With a budget of $2000 a true up grade can be found. 

As mentioned by others, play with absorption materials as your room is very lively. Explore this using the two amps you now own prior to making an additional investment.

Don't recall if your room size was mentioned, what is it?
Maybe put some or all of the 2k into the room. You could be amazed. 

The room is a component.