thanks for ’cool dude’, I think more like ’old dude’ many must think ’long winded’.
I ordered everything for new DIY Speaker Cables
COST: $136.44 incl tax & delivery
CONNECTORS (spades and adapters at speaker’s back panel)
.........................................................spades, pure copper 2 set screws 8 pcs
5 way binding post, pure copper fits 3/4" thick panel
I ended up ordering a cat8 s/ftp (shielded, foiled twisted pairs)
When you twist them you lose length, I need 12 ft straight x 2 = 24’ x 2 spkrs = 48lf straight, a roll of 50ft would be short.
Speaker cables l/r should always be the same length (time of travel aligned, hah!).
I chose this cable, ordered 10 m (33ft) red; 10m (33ft) black, each leg 16lf to make 12 ft: red/black twisted.
22 awg, 8 solid (not stranded) OFC copper S/FTP construction = 13 awg
This chart shows relative gauges, physical sizes, and resistance.
two basic choices cat gauges: largest 22 awg; smallest 26 awg
22 awg x 8 = 13 awg (+152% area above 26
26 awg x 8 = 17 awg (+152% resistance above 22
22 awg solid = less flexible is not an issue for me.
silver is only a little more conductive than copper
gold and aluminum are only a little less conductive than copper
brass is a lot less conductive than copper
COPPER TYPES (hard to verify true facts)
often text says solid but diagram shows stranded; text says 23 awg, chart shows 26 awg, and seller’s answers are often not clear.
’Pure Copper’, (99.9% pure) often in text, with or without OFC
is not in the above article, it is in this article,
C11000 - also known as Electrolytic-Tough-Pitch (ETP). This is the most common copper. It is universal for electrical applications. ETP has a minimum conductivity rating of 100% IACS and is required to be 99.9% pure. It has 0.02% to 0.04% oxygen content (typical).
will be disconnected, new + wire direct from crossover for both horns
(one as a test first)
WOOFERS, remove, check cones
Picking these suckers up onto a low bench for the work is a job for two masked men. Recent MRI: I now have 4 herniated discs, one tear, pinched nerve.