Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
I've felt the same as MC and Teo do from the beginning of this Plandemic. It SHOULD be obvious to everyone by now after witnessing current Political events. All truths are being uncovered. Don't be the last one to find out. Btw, I got rid of television in early 2006. Try to stay away from all propagandize stimulus and seek the truth. We are all in this together.
I can tell this thread was aptly named.

Oh brothers...testify....let it all out! Maybe lay off listening to the blues and death metal for a bit. Just a thought. Try some Bach. Music can be uplifting and soothe the soul.  The best always ends on a happy note.
This seems like a competition to see who is craziest. I have teo_audio in the lead by a nose over MC.
@arch2   Although you didn't use the phrase "return to normalcy", your mention of "get through" and "kicks back up" was more than enough to trigger the knee-jerk [I use the term advisedly] reaction in MC, whose  fantastical bunkum seems to get more strident with every passing day.