Raul, this is a silly game. You keep moving the goal posts. Less visual interference is less whether you get it by turning down the lights, turning them off, or closing your eyes. Humans see poorly in low light conditions we are diurnal creatures. Next you are going to tell me we are nocturnal.
I've got news for you. Lights are a very recent innovation. Next you will tel men cave men had fires. True, but not for the thousands we were first evolving as primitive primates.
@roxy54 , looks like we have something in common. Do you have all of the "You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore" disc's? The Grand Wazoo is a great one. Chungas Revenge is another of my favorites
I've got news for you. Lights are a very recent innovation. Next you will tel men cave men had fires. True, but not for the thousands we were first evolving as primitive primates.
@roxy54 , looks like we have something in common. Do you have all of the "You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore" disc's? The Grand Wazoo is a great one. Chungas Revenge is another of my favorites