Tube virgin looking for tube amp under $3k

I’ve never owned any tube amps or preamps and since I’ve got 95dB efficient speakers I thought why the heck not? And wow! What a rabbit hole I’ve gone down In the last week or so and my head is really spinning. For just about every amp or amp/preamp combo there’s someone who loves it and someone who says don’t bother. And then the more I dig, the more brands I find.

I’ve read about these products recently:

— Erhard Audio integrated amp 
—The various iterations of the ST-70 (Van Alstein, Bob Latino, Will Vincent, etc.)
—Music Reference RM10
—Cary (out of budget except used)
—Raven (at max budget for integrated)
—Dennis Had (hard to buy/find)
—Quicksilver Mid mono (need preamp)
—Decware (too long a wait for me at the moment but maybe one day)
—Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum III (at max budget and do I really need 100WPC with my speakers in a small room?)

And probably a few others I’ve forgotten about already. 

I have to say that the Bob Latino ST-70 speaks to me for the price of entry (about $1400) and the fact that I could get away without a preamp and only use a passive input selector. That said, would an ST-70 be the best choice or only the cheapest? 

Any ideas for a tube newb who doesn’t have a stockpile of tubes to roll in and out of an amp?

I have to second the Audio Note Kits recommendation! ANK provides a build service for some of their products. Any one of the el34 integrated amps will work for you. Hope you find what your looking for.
I was very happy with my first tube purchase, a Cary SLI-80 used for $2k. I've since upgraded to Cary seperates, but if I were to build another integrated system it would definitely be Cary, though for a better power/cost ratio you could also look into Rogue Audio's offerings. 
If you 'think' you need a tube should get it. Life is short. Although there are excellent SS in your budget, tube amps do sound different.
Fo for it. Glad I did and wish I did sooner.

For the money, as mentioned, it's hard to beat Quick Silver and Primaluna. Also, there are easy to build kits out there as well. The Don Sachs Kootenay is based on a kit. That amp sounds amazing.  
I have been on the hunt for an Integrated Amplifier. After reading, dreaming, saving money I finally got to Demo some equipment. I have enjoyed some good audio equipment purchased in the 80’s but it was showing too much wear recently. Before I bought that equipment 45 yrs ago I was listening to my JBL Lancers with a Stromberg Carlson Integrated. It was the best sounding gear I had heard and even better sounding that what I ended up with. The old Stromberg burned down.
:( Don’t ask my why I did not consider a Tube Amp or Integrated at that time, I was young.
I compared directly a couple weeks ago a Prima Luna EVO100 vs Hegel H390. I first heard the EVO and could not find anything wrong or out of place with the sound. I was amazed at the sound! Too me, as close to perfect as I could want. Then the Hegel, Very Nice sound, but not as open, clear, or defined as the EVO100. I was shocked considering the H390 is twice the price and with my ears, could not beat EVO-100. (Also compared with a Shiit Freya and Vidar) You probably can find a Prima Luna integrated on Audiogon or perhaps another brand. I highly Recommend you hear a PrimaLuna. I am running 89db  Passive Tower 8" 3-way Speakers 75W RMS continuous capable.  They never sounded better  and I have not dared to go over 1/2 volume because it shakes the place with aplomb lows. The police might be called on me too!  
If possible it’s always best to audition for yourself. Short of that, I can speak from experience about the Rogue Cronus Magnum. I own version II after owning Luxman, Yamaha and Rogue Hybrids. First Why wouldn’t you want to own an amp with US backed manufacturing with unbelievable and always available support? Further there’s a strong US dealer network for further support. Try dialing China. Then there’s the tube rolling ability to match the amp with your speakers and components. The CM has an uncanny ability to match well with many speakers. I own Sonus Faber Sonetto V’s btw and couldn’t be happier. Do you need 100 watts? When did anyone ever complain of too much power? Dial it down if you must, however one of the best features of the CM is it’s headroom. And when are any of us ever satisfied not to tweak (hint future speaker upgrades). With a lot of choices, there are dozens of reasons to choose the Rogue CM. Lots of professional reviewers also agree. Good luck!