If you have the time and inclination, I’d be very interested to hear your thoughts re: the process of "education".
in order to make a more complete and honest assessment of the true value of a musician’s musical vision the listener needs to have, at least, a modicum of humility.
Education of self need humility....
We must learn how to learn first....
We must accept our own limitations, music touch us in a way that is a unique perspective and a specific take on our own body/soul/spirit organization...Music increase or decrease our own spititual metabolism in each of us in a particular way... The price to pay for a deep plunge in this ocean is that we cannot inhabit all islands.... Choices must be made and are made before even our birth... Then it seems that some music will never touch us , some other will if we discover it or learn how to digest it...
Knowing that we must also open our ears and mind.... Discovery has a price.... We must Learn how to listen to music like a musician must learn... Perhaps not in the same exact way, i am not a musician, and i dont read sheet of music for example...But we must learn to listen to the effect of sounds and also the effect of music on the metabolism increase or decrease body/soul/spirit.... The interaction of these 3 will change with different sounds, frequencies, rythm, chords melody, harmony, timbre etc...
We must learn to listen to sounds and music .... They are not the same....In the 2 cases a learning experience is necessary but cannot be forced nor imposed.... We must put in place the conditions to do so ourself...Reading about what we listen to is a good idea...
We will never change our basic body/soul/spirit specific metabolism, the relation for example of will/emotion/ and thinking is different in each of us.... The goal is not to like everything , we will never be able to change totally our "taste" but we can enlarge it toward new worlds of sounds, but also to new realm of music...
Other cultures music is a good way to do so.... Not only classical or popular jazz or european music....
I remember the many important moment of my musical life:
The discovery of poetry with folk singer or popular singer....
The discovery of Bach and all choral music or of the spirit...
The discovery of Bruckner or the discovery of orchestral music....Mahler after that....
The discovery of Scriabin and of piano music with pianist Sofronitsky...And the power of the musician playing and recreating the works...
The discovery of spirit no more with only Bach but with Iranian masters....and with Indian one....
The discovery of the supremum importance of the musicians themselves with jazz music.....
We must listen also to each chapter of musical european history like if it was a chapter of our own soul history.... And it is even if we are not conscious of this deep fact....Learning why a period captivate us more than other period is also a key to understand where we come from and where we can go....
If the soul is an earth, music is the geology of this spirit.....