Subwoofer xover settings for KEF LS50W (orig model)

Yes I did search and did not see much. I figures others have done this so I'd simply ask as see if anyoen has advice. The LS50W go quite a bit lower than the regular LS50s so I'm thinking of setting the low pass xover at maybe 50hz. But I can high pass as well thru the KEFs. So I figured I'd ask here what other have done with these active speakers in terms of a low and high pass settings. Looks like KEF defaults to just a low pass 80hz which seems high. 

Also I plan to use the sub settings via the KEP app but could obviously do much of this via the REL B1 sub as well. Thx
Thx, the highest setting on the sub REL B1 is 95 hz. Yes, you read that right. That is where I have it now so the LS50W DSP settings do not interfere and I don't have two notches in play. I was trying to stay away from that area to keep it simple given this is a temp setup and goign way higher seemed problematic due to the sub xover. Maybe I'm all wrong about this. 

Normally I'd be running the sub at speaker level (unsing the differential hookup) but that'll wait until I put the REL with some other speakers and electronics.  
Download a sound level meter app like db on your smartphone, and stream some whitenoise (available on Spotify, elsewhere).

Then turn the sub level up and play with the crossover control. adjust level up and down until flattest in the bass region. That will give you a reasonable estimate of where your exact level and crossover settings should be. Adjust phase if available for best impact from percussion, etc. then fine tune level and xover settings from there as needed.

You might be surprised what you find this way compared to doing it by ear alone. Probably more good sound out of your sub than expected.

I had original ls50s crossed over at ~ 60-80 hz. WIth new metas, I ended up with crossover on same sub set at lowest point ~ 40 hz and higher levels than prior. Everything sounds fuller and more alive now, and just the right amount of bass on all recordings. Room is 12X12’ square which many will say is horrible for bass, but fact is it sounds really good. BEst bass I have had ever.  Sub is Klipsch sw-308, a little 8" dynamo.
Mapman, Yes this is exactly what I did :) Stereophile test CD (bass tones) and the "vintage" Radio Shack SPL meter. I start and make changes based on that and at the end dial in by ear.  

I'm sure the Metas are nice and someday I'll probably own a pair. I got these Ws to try out and admit I am super impressed. The wireless capability really makes them so easy to put anywhere and use in a variety of ways. Quite a powerful and simple device all in. Thx 

I'm so Grateful for everyone on this thread that has shared their knowledge, this has helped me tremendously with understanding how I might integrate the KEF KC62 with my Original LS50W.  Although I had a system in the 1970-1995; I eventually gave-up on my system as it grew in disrepair, and sold it to a collector in 2016; then in 2017, purchased the LS50W, convinced I would only have a digital system.  5 years later, i am back into vinyl, tubes, phono pre and pre-amp going into the KEFs analog connection.  I never used a sub-woofer because I thought they were simply bass extenders, i could live without.  As one member said most of the information I found was on adding in the  Sub @ between 50-40 Hz, low pass, including in Kef's instructions for integrating the sub with the LS50W ll. And then I read an article on why you wouldn't want to take the low pass filter anywhere north of 50, like 80 and above, becasue why would you want to destroy the speaker's artistic designer, messing with their native frequency responses, and destroying the inherent speakers musicality.  It wasn't 'till I deleted the sub integration profile in the Kef Connect app, and saw that it's original defaults were actually 95-HP and 80-LP; which were much higher than the "Tech Note: Setting Crossovers...Guide they published for the LC50WII.  I then googled those paremeters I got the hit to this forum discussion.  Originally had just set up the KC62 at 45LP/70HP, and thought the integration was refined, but underwhelming.  Then last night i set it to 80lp /95hp and had a revealoty moment of wonder; how clear the mids were, suspended in space, and rich the base was.  It is a bit overemphasized "at times" but that can be do to a myriad of factors.  Tonight i have it at 100LP and 110 HP as per the suggestion.  So far I really like these settings.  I don't feel like "I've lost the speakers designer musicality; i feel my system's capability has greatly expanded, and I am leveraging the LC62's worthwhileness.  Really thankyou all, i don't think if it wasn't for this discussion, I would have ever tried these settings, and discovered this absolutely amazing experience.

One other note; I've read about what improvements the KEF LS50IIs seem to have brought; but frankly while I haven't heard them from a sound standpoint, i would like to note many have reported what i discovered when I first got my LS50Ws, that the sound was extremely smoother, clear and less compressed, using the analog inputs for all sources, digital, CD and TT, going through a High quality DAC preamp, out to the Kef's, or now i have a tube phono pre to a all tube master pre, integrating the roon server and CD transport, all out to the Kef's RCA.  I know the market KEF is reaching for isn't interested, in the analog wired connections of the Kef's but i think a good set of analog rca's have their place, way over the 3.5mm analog input jack that the model 2 has.