Just leave out the bias and bring in intellectual honesty.If even a non scientist like me understand why not others?
Am i biased? yes....
Nevermind i can speak truth if you ask me, i can recognize truth, it is why science and mathematics are so precious...
Like experimenting is....
In audio the truth is simple, the way we tune a system, and it is possible at NO COST, is more important than the audio system itself...
Shumann generators are one means ONLY, and not the better or the more powerful one...
Helmholtz methods are other means ...
And there exist many others one...
You can boast about your pricey speakers or amplifiers here, truth will not change, tuning and controlling rightfully the working embeddings dimensions of ANY audio system is key to AUDIOPHILE experience itself nothing else....
Certainly not upgrading, even if it is a pleasure to do if we can....
Anybody can connect a new amplifier or costly speakers to the wall, installing them in the rightful environment is the key....
Schumann Generators are only one of many tools for that.... Not a tweak, but a step in some dimension among others one....
Dont buy anything, create your own listenings experiments....