Schumann Resonator

I got 2 of these from Amazon...careful that free returns are applicable.  I charged them up, turned them on and holy moly.....they do help with my system.   What I hear is between instruments, a definite difference in upright and electric bass, wider know...all the good stuff. At first I thought it might be increased brightness, but is still the same in that regard.  I still can't believe it, and will listen again tomorrow (saved the packaging for the return)...but today, I'm about to keep them.
Come on guys. ‘Curiosity killed the cat’. Ever known a cat that doesn’t sniff out something new?  Perhaps it scent-marked it too. Maybe that aroma is what caused the lovely night of sleep. Maybe the cat sleeping under the bed and not in it is what led to better sleep. 
We’ve just got to hope MC doesn’t start advocating human sacrifices to the resonating gods. “Trust your ears - if spilt blood over your cables enhances the soundstage, then it does.”
Check out Space Tech Audio Labs, they have some VERY serious looking ones. I love all their stuff, looks like 1950’s particle accelerator gear.
Still giggling at this. Of course it looks like 1950s particle accelerator gear. When it does, it makes you think it is VERY serious. This is why they are able to sell it at a higher price and bigger margin.
They are laughing all the way to the bank.

My own idea about this S.G. is that perhaps it is not this " exact" frequency alleged to be produced by itself that explain the result, the so called magical 7,8 hertz, but instead the fact that there is ANY frequency in this range coming from a piece of gear interacting with the audio gear electrical field through the house grid.... The precise 7,8 hertz is NOT the culprit probably, any frequency around will do....The Chinese cheap  apparatus work and are certainly not precise...

I remember to all of you, that my S.G. are all modified for a better effect....

Nobody report yet, except the OP i think, with my simple experiment at the source of my modification to improve the S.G. with an experiment which can prove a "physical" impact and not mostly a "subjective " or "physiological" one mainly....

Put a piece of shungite on top : compression of sound

Put an herkimer diamond on top: decompression of sound

Put a golden plate on top (shungite +copper tape on the external side) : more balanced sound

«To think out of the box, stay out of the box»- a puppet voice stepping outside of a box

«I dont use my brain to think because he seat inside this box»-Groucho Marx pointing to his head...
@bluemoodriver, great site! Thanks. Why do you think humans are so prone to this type of fantasy? These people did not make up Schumann resonance. It has been marketed as a miracle cure of many ailments.
Is it Joseph Goebbels big lie? It is certainly some people trying to extort money out of others. Are these people just gullible? They certainly bought the big lie and subsidized the extortionists.

Like I said before, if all of you want to experience some electromotive force just get yourselves and MRI scan. Pop some valium if you are claustrophobic.

Trust your ears? Right.