I must say that sometimes in a relatively balanced resulting S.Q. , after many experiments, sometimes with only a minor change in appearance the complete S.Q. MAY dramatically change improving or losing the quality which was reach with other means till this change...My system has not achieved his evolution till recently and each time i was thinking that it was optimal and i was wrong.... 😁
For example the exact right balance between reflecting and absorbing acoustical surface...May create a huge impact....
Lately my few inches shortening of a few straws, the neck of my Helmholtz pipes and tubes grid...Create great impact....
Other examples are possible...I lived through many....
The S.Q. is a very sensible equilibrium between many known and unknown or underestimated factors in the 3 working embedding dimensions...
Our own capacity to detect these changes is less linked to supra normal heraring that did not exist for me anyway, than to my listenings and experiments history with the SAME gear in the SAME room....I call that learning to hear in some specific environment.... It is not a power in itself of discrimination applicable anywhere with any system in any room.... It is an HABIT.......Hearing is an habit that also can lose his power if transfered suddenly in an another environment than the usual.... 😊
It is the reason why blind test could be important and it is for the same reason that they cannot play a great active role in an evolutive learning specific habit context.... They are more useful in a social and scientific way and GENERAL environment for designers and customers etc....
For someone learning his own audio specific environment, his own room and his own gear, it is more an experiment he can try partially for sure, not scientifically, and i did it by accident many times unvolontarily....It surprized me a lot when it did....The unconscious was knowing that something was lacking not my consciousness at all,at the times when these accidents has occured...It percolate from my unocnscious to my consciousness that something was not right slowly... It surprized me....It proves to me that some changes were real not borderline placebo....Some were probably borderline placebo...
But i dont like when people apeak always of "placebo effect".... An incremental series of positive changes accumulating in months cannot be illusory.... One change times to times could be and has been for me surely....It pertain to my personal habit my learning history with his own deceptive way and his own powerful way also.... IT IS A LEARNING experience not a capacity given at birth.....