I dont understand at all why someone can contest the benefit of isolation... The problem is what is the best results possible? i dont doubt the Tonwshend platform reviewers....I am pretty sure the product is very good...
Myself i cannot buy for a 500 bucks system a so costly design....
Marginal returns cannot be meaningful for me ....The relation between increase of positive S.Q./ cost of the device, is not significant in my case because the device exceed many times the cost of my system....My homemade device on the other hand cost peanuts....
What is significant is the effect of springs vibrations controls on my audio system.... It is huge and irreplaceable by any other devices .... It cannot be replaced by controls in acoustical or electrical working dimensions for sure.... Then in a more costly system than mine the addition of the Townshend platform is justified by the improbability to obtain better isolating result by any other means, and the impossibility to replace vibrations controls improvement in any way by other means than vibration device control anyway....
The problem is simple in my experience: Almost all people are completely unconscious of the negative impact of any source of noise in their system... Be it mechanical electrical or acoustical....Nobody can listen to his noise floor and say i know where you are "noise floor" now, dont hide yourself anymore! 😁😊
This is the reason why they spend money in the wrong place most of the times and upgrade an already good dac, or amplifier or even speakers without having never listen to them at their peak potential....
Isolation was mandatory for me.... My 2 speakers were on the same desk than my gear....My homade sandwich isolation device was very good before springs, BUT they introduced a "tuning" that was not what we all wish for unbeknownst to me....Coupling/decoupling tune the speakers in a negative way most of the times.... Springs isolate first.... They dont tune first....And modulo some precaution they finely isolate without too much tuning of their own...And i let my sandwich under the springs then even the springs are relatively isolated ....
Myself i cannot buy for a 500 bucks system a so costly design....
Marginal returns cannot be meaningful for me ....The relation between increase of positive S.Q./ cost of the device, is not significant in my case because the device exceed many times the cost of my system....My homemade device on the other hand cost peanuts....
What is significant is the effect of springs vibrations controls on my audio system.... It is huge and irreplaceable by any other devices .... It cannot be replaced by controls in acoustical or electrical working dimensions for sure.... Then in a more costly system than mine the addition of the Townshend platform is justified by the improbability to obtain better isolating result by any other means, and the impossibility to replace vibrations controls improvement in any way by other means than vibration device control anyway....
The problem is simple in my experience: Almost all people are completely unconscious of the negative impact of any source of noise in their system... Be it mechanical electrical or acoustical....Nobody can listen to his noise floor and say i know where you are "noise floor" now, dont hide yourself anymore! 😁😊
This is the reason why they spend money in the wrong place most of the times and upgrade an already good dac, or amplifier or even speakers without having never listen to them at their peak potential....
Isolation was mandatory for me.... My 2 speakers were on the same desk than my gear....My homade sandwich isolation device was very good before springs, BUT they introduced a "tuning" that was not what we all wish for unbeknownst to me....Coupling/decoupling tune the speakers in a negative way most of the times.... Springs isolate first.... They dont tune first....And modulo some precaution they finely isolate without too much tuning of their own...And i let my sandwich under the springs then even the springs are relatively isolated ....