For Your Edification and Enjoyment re "Burn In", etc.

Just published at, my article "Audiophile Law: Burn In Test Redux". 

Validation of my decision ten years ago.  :) 

By Helmholtz acoustical science which he contributed greatly to found , only a few inches straw can transform a room in an acoustic paradise or in an acoustic hell... A single straw can make a costly amplifier sound bad and a bad one give a better result... Did you know that after installing hundred of systems?

I installed only mine and i learned that.... Do you know the cost of a straw? Peanuts.....Sometimes what is important is not the branded name of the amplifier and his price, but the precise lenght and location of the straw....This is my first lesson in acoustic....It is free😁😊😎

What you call useless "tweaks", useless costly secondary addition to a system are in fact SOMETIMES essential devices making the system able to work at his optimal peak... The only problem is that many are too costly for me... I decided to create mine.... I called them controls over the 3 working embeddings dimensions of a system... I never bought anything, i sell nothing, i created all my devices homemade at no cost...My 500 hundred bucks system fill my room 3-d with imaging, encompassing listener soundstage, natural timbre perception, in 2 main listening positions...Is there better one? Yes, but i will let you guess their price....It is not 500 bucks....It is the embeddings controls not costly electrical design ONLY and MAINLY the road to a good sound....

Am i hallucinated? Am i a liar? For some here deluded by dogmas probably... It is not the PRICE paid who give us good sound , it is the way we are able to control our system, the electrical grid, the vibrations and resonances, and tune the room...

Some people are incredible and even repeat here that our ears must subordinate their power to any objective number they will see on a dial....If they are doctor they call ears impressions " illusions".... And incredibly they listen to their system and call what they hear "good" because the equalizer said so.....

I will mute myself astonished by human voluntary blindness because of sheep walking.....

Dont buy and dont plug and play no more, be creative think and listen .....

Dont upgrade anything before everything is rightfully embedded in his 3 working dimensions and under controls...
"...In evaluating equipment never trust your first impression. repeat the comparison over and over until you are sure..."

Long term evaluation is the standard for audio comparison/evaluation and why blind tests and ABX are often fruitless.
Long term evaluation is the standard for audio comparison/evaluation and why blind tests and ABX are often fruitless.
You are right on three counts , by science, common sense, and by experience...

Some are wrong on the three counts and never will know.....

They confuse science with scientism, common sense with prejudice, and experience with habit.....

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Audiophiles really need to grow up and stop regurgitating this unproven nonsense. Blind testing is the bare minimum. There is absolutely nothing, nada, zip that can be stated as a negative to blind testing.
it never occur to you that what is asked by "testing for" by some companies and engineers cannot be the same that is asked for by a listener implementing controls and installing his audio system in his three working dimensions in a long period of time?

Yesterday i post to you a research article by 3 japanese scientists about the law of the first wavefront... I dont know if you even read my citation and probably not the article...

This reading inspired to me a simple experiment this evening with small Helmholtz devices that improve extraordinarily the sound effect in my room which was already good ....The important fact for my discovery was the precise location of this 3 small devices... I will let you guess where i place them and will say it to you if you read the article....

Question: do you think i need a blind test? or an AB test? to verify my discovery and listening experience... Answer is no....

What is useful for market science, or what can be a tool for engineers working on a simple task is not necessary very useful or always useful for a listener experimenting in a continuous set of experiments for months to improve his system...

I dont know if you understand the timbre or the imaging concept....But my own understanding of the imaging concept is better after reading this article of the three japanese physicists and after that i just created a new device improving soundstage and imaging for my speakers...Perhaps it is a proof i read and understand the article, no?

Am I deluded? Did i need a blind test? Or a psychiatric test?

Or perhaps i am right and you will thanks me to point this article to you if you dare to read it ?

By the way i know perfectly well that you know way better than me about all aspect of audio, after all it was your job....But knowing thousand of facts or equations dont replace understanding.... They are plenty of things in audio you dont understand well even if you understand much more than me, it is just not the same things....Be less arrogant about "audiophiles" i will be less arrogant with you....We are all different, and we must listen each others not insulting groups of people, "audiophiles" also must be respected....And all people testing Schuman generators at 10 bucks are not necessarily idiots...

Blind test are useful to test ONE small change.... Not an incremental series of changes or big changes....By the way....I dont need blindtest to "see" through my own improving sets of experiments....Someone insisting on blindtest prove to me that he NEVER install rightfully his system and never improve it by himself....Period...

Controlling the 3 dimensions of his audio system is not, BOUGHT ,PLUG and PLAY......The customers could be reassured by blindtest, the company too, but i dont need to be reassured , i was experimenting with my system for 2 years to install it...

Is it difficult to understand?

Or like someone else you know, call me "placebo" plagued and completely in delusion... Who knows ? The world is full of "nuts" after all....