Classical Top Five

If most will concede Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, and Brahms as " the given" top 4, who would you choose as number 5? 
Arguments as to who is the greatest composer are, of course, subjective.
The composer who is the most meaningful to you is the “greatest.”
For me it’s Beethoven, then Mozart, then Bach.
Of course in the sheer volume of first rate compositions, Bach is probably the most prolific. But, to me, Beethoven, also by dint of volume, but also in the variety and scope of his masterpieces is the most meaningful.
I don’t believe anyone reached higher in inspiration than Mozart, but his short existence on this earth limited him.

How is Haydn by default, not in the top 5?
History suggests Mozart and Beethoven studied with Haydn.
He was called "papa" for a reason.

I would shoehorn Vivaldi in as well, since he was creating before all of them, the top 5 should be a top 6!

Bach can not be moved by strong  Christians , so far above all else
in service of our God.

IMO,  a sign that someone  tends to be not deeply into Classical Music is ignoring Brahms .
Putting him down is a sure sign.

I just had my left knee replaced last week so strong doses of narcotics, sleep, music, and reading. Gould's biography "Wondrous Strange" while listening to his Bach interpretations. There are times where I expected the next note to stop The Universe spinning and the doors to heaven to open.