Schiit Saga+...What’s the point of the tube?

Just wondering about this. I bought one used because I wanted a passive preamp with 0 gain and remote control. It functions fine and doesn’t seem to color the sound of my inputs at all whether I have it in tube buffer mode or not. 

So then why is there a tube? To sell more units b/c of supposed tube sound? It came with 5 tubes, several NOS American made ones from the 50’s-70’s and some of recent manufacture. I rolled them all and none of my listeners (4 including myself) could hear a difference. 

I’m not into tube voodoo after rolling these tubes and engaging tube buffer mode vs. “normal” mode. Makes me question the value of tube rolling in general. 

I know half of the replies will be bad puns on the Schiit name, but if anyone has a serious reply, I’d be grateful to read it. 
The passive mode is just variable resistance so the output impedance can get pretty high, up to 4.8k-ohms, which could be an issue with some amps. The active stage is a tube-SS hybrid (I’m not sure of the exact circuit topology) that keeps the output impedance at 180 ohms which should play well with almost any amp. I think the hybrid nature might give less “tube tone” than a typical tube preamp. I’m still pretty new to tubes but I did like a NOS tube better than the stock one, though I’d be hard pressed to describe the exact difference. I like the Saga+ better than using the pre out on my SS integrated, too. Personal taste is personal. Tubes wear out, cost too much and probably aren’t worth it if you can’t appreciate them. 
"...I’m not into tube voodoo after rolling these tubes and engaging tube buffer mode vs. “normal” mode. Makes me question the value of tube rolling in general..."

You have limited experience with vacuum tube audio. Although the Shitt does have a tube in the circuit path I don't know how it's being used and I believe you when you said you heard no difference when the tube was changed. Most full tube audio products do exhibit sonic changes with changes of tubes. Some position of tubes more than others, same with the tubes themselves. It's a real thing not voodoo. 
The Saga is just a tube buffer without gain I believe. It’s designed to be a very subtle difference so you will need a resolving system and pretty good ears to pick up on the tube buffer.

The Freya is a proper active tube preamp with tube gain. The tubes will have a greater impact on the sound.
I've never used the Saga,  but the Schiit website says that you can use the passive mode or run it through the tube.  I suspect you need to push a button or something to switch from passive to tube.  Good Luck