"...I’m not into tube voodoo after rolling these tubes and engaging tube buffer mode vs. “normal” mode. Makes me question the value of tube rolling in general..."
You have limited experience with vacuum tube audio. Although the Shitt does have a tube in the circuit path I don't know how it's being used and I believe you when you said you heard no difference when the tube was changed. Most full tube audio products do exhibit sonic changes with changes of tubes. Some position of tubes more than others, same with the tubes themselves. It's a real thing not voodoo.
You have limited experience with vacuum tube audio. Although the Shitt does have a tube in the circuit path I don't know how it's being used and I believe you when you said you heard no difference when the tube was changed. Most full tube audio products do exhibit sonic changes with changes of tubes. Some position of tubes more than others, same with the tubes themselves. It's a real thing not voodoo.