You'll regret it deeply and for years. That you're asking and not already selling probably tells you that. If you need the money for surgery, and you're selling for that reason, it indicates you will not be readily able to replace the items once lost. It's always easy to take things for granted.
Keep in mind real sale values versus asking prices, seller fees, items randomly selling for less than going rate, shipping and packing costs, risks of seller complaint. Profit is not sheer, and not always to be counted upon.
Debates about formats inevitably are silly. Each has something to offer which another does not. And some aspects of sound are readily measurable, or captured in measurements commonly used, and others are not. E.g., timbre. Any analysis of one medium's superiority over another ends up being mechanical and reductive.
Keep in mind real sale values versus asking prices, seller fees, items randomly selling for less than going rate, shipping and packing costs, risks of seller complaint. Profit is not sheer, and not always to be counted upon.
Debates about formats inevitably are silly. Each has something to offer which another does not. And some aspects of sound are readily measurable, or captured in measurements commonly used, and others are not. E.g., timbre. Any analysis of one medium's superiority over another ends up being mechanical and reductive.