members and their systems

for the short time I have been on here, I see that members will start a thread asking about a certain piece of equipment or speakers..       they will then buy that piece of equipment / speakers, start a thread about it saying how good it is and then next thing you know, they are starting another thread asking about another piece of gear as they are looking for something different.           what happened to that piece of gear that was so great ?       
  i get the whole buying thing....but where are members getting the money to do all of this stuff ?       do they not have other bills such as rent / mortgage payment, car payment, other bills to pay for also ?
I think it's a perfectly reasonable question and there are many reasonable answers in the thread about who saved up how.  
I suggest next time someone posts a question for "what speakers should I buy, my budget is 10K - and I got the money from my uncle, I knew where he hid the cash for the speakers he was planning to buy, so I don't have in on my W2"
Since I don’t have any kids I feel it’s fair to spend their college fund on audio gear. And since I’m very potent, I reckon I could’ve knocked out at least six of them before I killed myself.
I'm not sure why I would ever buy anything new except for a phono cartridge. Having said that, for my office system, I bought a Schitt Mani new, but that was $107. Not exactly hi-fi prices. Everything else - speakers, amps, tonearms, turntables, cables - I can buy used or demo and not worry about depreciation.
People put loads of money into all types of things.  Fishing for example, be it fresh or saltwater.  Look at all of the ordinary Joes who have a bass boat parked in their driveway.  Someone who is seriously into bass fishing has at least a 50K investment in just the basics.  There are Hundreds of thousands of rabid Bass fisherman/women out there.  The same with Hunters.  I've seen guys with gun collections which are incredible and the amount of money they spend is up there.  Harley Davidson lovers, Hot Dodders, etc.. very easy for these guys to have spent anywhere from 50-100K on their passions.  People who drop serious change on audio equipment are not odd ducks.  There are different passions out there spending like money.