What component is responsible for dynamics ?

If one is looking to increase the dynamics of their system , what one component will offer the most beneficial change ?
Who said there`s 'only' one way to skin a cat? Folks are just stating what`s worked best for them personally,what ever that may be. There`re no absolutes.

I know you've designed with the SEAS Exotic W8 woofer. Have you tried the SEAS Exotic T35 midrange/tweeter? What did you think of its sound? FWIW, I'll be using it above a Jantzen JA-8008 driver (OEM by SEAS) as a midrange with a PHL 5011 (updated version of the 5010 driver used by Nelson Pass as woofer in his original "Rushmore" loudspeaker) on bottom. Only a moderately high efficiency loudspeaker, but a true 92-93dB that'll move lots of air.
Hey guys, its that time of year?

Ho ho ho, Merry Xmas, Peace on Earth, and all that?

Dynamics rule!