What component is responsible for dynamics ?

If one is looking to increase the dynamics of their system , what one component will offer the most beneficial change ?
Hiefficiency speakers and flea power tube amp is one way to skin the
cat, but far from the only one.

Listening volume should be a concern. I've read regular listening above
80 db or so causes hearing loss. Hi effspeakers can be like a weapon,
and so be careful. And yes setup is everything especially with hi eff horns
which can be like listening under a microscope.

Noise floor might be more of a real issue with older analog sources than
modern digital.
Unsound Which designs couldn't produce the square wave? And why do you feel all horns to be colored or that horn designs can not produce wave fidelity? Can you produce anything to back your claims? Please in detail explain how your measuring, what brand loudspeakers and with what equipment. And again maybe a list of hi efficiency designs you've had real experiences with. You do like to give your opinion on them so sure you must have vast experiences and technical skills.
Who said there`s 'only' one way to skin a cat? Folks are just stating what`s worked best for them personally,what ever that may be. There`re no absolutes.

I know you've designed with the SEAS Exotic W8 woofer. Have you tried the SEAS Exotic T35 midrange/tweeter? What did you think of its sound? FWIW, I'll be using it above a Jantzen JA-8008 driver (OEM by SEAS) as a midrange with a PHL 5011 (updated version of the 5010 driver used by Nelson Pass as woofer in his original "Rushmore" loudspeaker) on bottom. Only a moderately high efficiency loudspeaker, but a true 92-93dB that'll move lots of air.