My NAD 3020 D proves your Class D tropes are wrong

I have a desktop integrated, the NAD 3020D which I use with custom near field monitors. It is being fed by Roon via a Squeezebox Touch and coaxial digital.

It is 5 years old and it sounds great. None of the standard myths of bad Class D sound exist here. It may lack the tube like liquid midrange of my Luxman, or the warmth of my prior Parasound but no one in this forum could hear it and go "aha, Class D!!" by itself, except maybe by the absolute lack of noise even when 3’ away from the speakers.

I’m not going to argue that this is the greatest amp ever, or that it is even a standout desktop integrated. All I am saying is that the stories about how bad Class D is compared to linear amps have been outdated for ages.

Great to see new development with GaN based Class D amps, great to see Technics using DSP feed-forward designs to overcome minor limitations in impedance matching and Atmasphere’s work on reducing measurable distortion as well but OMG stop with the "Class D was awful until just now" threads as it ignores about 30 years of steady research and innovation.
I have to disagree, my AGD GaN amps are miles ahead of the older tech and design in sound SQ and i have heard all of the NAD products from the 33 down. You cannot even compare.
Bashing class d is nonsense and does the basher’s credibility no favors. You either like it or not. Just like everything else. It’s that simple.  
Calling them custom near field monitors kind of oversells them. :)

I made them in large part to write about the process of speaker design. You can find a lot of information here:

What makes them special in my mind is that they are true bookshelf speakers, designed with on-shelf or on-desk placement in mind thus they lack the bass bloat you’d experience with "normal" bookshelf speakers.