Infinity EMIT Speaker Repair

Hello All, 

I am inquiring about EMIT speaker repair. What have you done in your experience? Send them to a professional,  buy new/used or DIY?
What exactly is wrong with them?

Depending on the exact model there may already be new crossovers you can buy.  Some of them fix impedance problems in the original making them play much more smoothly and for a wider range of amps.


Hi Joe,

For EMITs that measure as "open" sometimes there is a DIY fix. I've seen it discussed over on the - Infinity Loudspeakers forum. BTW, that forum is the best I've found regarding questions about vintage Infinity speakers. Post the question there, with some specifics about the issue, and you'll get a quick and comprehensive response.

I've posted there a few times regarding my Infinity Qb and Infinity RS1.5 speakers. Always got great responses.

Good Luck and enjoy your classic vintage Infinity speakers.
Magicmarksy on ebay for all things Infinity. He'll take phone calls if you find his phone number.  
Post removed 
Some RS-1b owners (of which I at one time was) buy spare sets of speakers fitted with the EMIT and EMIM drivers, to have as spares/replacements. Loose drivers occasionally pop up on ebay, but they're not cheap: A single EMIT and EMIM pairing sold recently for $850!