Here is a good discussion on overdamped rooms.
Looking for advice and suggestions
Here is a good discussion on overdamped rooms. |
Looks nice. You have put a lot of work into it. Personally I hate fiddling with placement. But it really matters. Anyway nice system..At some point when you are looking to upgrade something, consider the streamer. I kept thinking they didn’t matter... I was very wrong. I jumped mine from $500, $2,500 and only stopped at the top of the line Aurender. |
@jond for the most part we are happy with the sound but as with most of the members here I wonder how we can make it better. The Kantas are pretty revealing so we can tell a significant difference between a good and bad recording. It’s the white noise/static that shows up. I am wondering what steps to take to try to mitigate it as much as possible. |
ronboco OP Is that wooden floor a suspended one or wood over cement slab.? If suspended, you don’t want ANY of your speakers coupled to it at all, you should try to de-couple all speakers as best you can, as the floor will act as a huge sound board if not solid wood on cement slab. I’d also move the front subs away from that center cabinet as it could act as a sound board as well. But you’ll have to go through the calibration process again. Cheers George |