Best Bang for your Buck DAC ?

I just realized I’m in the market for a DAC , I don’t want to spend a fortune on a DAC either . I picked up a drangonfly cobalt a while back and am unimpressed  so I moved it to my CPU and sounds really good on my system there which when I bought it figured I would do anyway since it was my first DAC purchase . There are so many DACs I have no clue , how high up on the returns chart can I go at say $1,000 before I run into heavy Diminished returns resistance. I’m open to buying used . I was thinking about a Schitt made in the states ? Anyone’s take on best bang for buck DACs? 
Khadas Tone Board dac from Wesion TEK. $99! Add a 5 volt power supply and a case. The result is a DAC that competes with any four-figure unit! 
Check out MHDT Dacs, hard to find used but several models under 1K, tube, R2R  very musical
The best VALUES are from Chinese manufacturers.  They know how to build great DACs with great parts and performance.  My own favorite for value is the LKS DA004.  But there are many others.

I'm not writing of US or European makers who manufacture in China.  I'm writing of Chinese companies. 
I don't think that the Soekris feature XLR outputs. May not matter to some, but it will to others.