The ops argument is a straw man. The article reference as described has nothing to do with wire direction. Just saying.
The main experiment of the writer is about mechanical constraint on string and the difference between pitch perception and frequency...
There is no direct link...
But you are quick to qualify someone of rethorical abuse without knowing all that matter here...
No direct link does not means no link....
Why did you like to oppose without any arguments save qualifying an interesting book not worth reading ...
The book being a complete redifinition of the sound hearing experience, how do you know that no link exist at all?
A total waste of time.
Why do you think always that your expressed opinion about a book you dont know and dont plan to read is not a waste of times for us?
Especially if the writer pretense is redefining the hearing problem...He is right or wrong nothing between the 2....
How it is easy to always think by binary modes... It is black and white... Subjectivist versus objectivist... Like condioned Pavlov dogs reacting....
You even LEND intentions to the OP which are not his own... The OP think and dont pretend to have answers....
i will LEND to you some intention that are probably more truthful than your own lending attibution to the OP: you like trolling....I prefer thinking....
Are you born with innate knowledge?