6922 Amperex PQ White label... D or O-getter? Holland or Hicksville?

Much has been written about the Amperex 5922/6D8J/E88CC. What's the concensus about the top choice for the meatiest, richest midrange? 
In my system, I found the USA Amperex white label PQ large O-getter 6922 to have richer tonality than the USA Amperex orange label O-getter 7308, but weaker bass. Also, the former has a considerably flatter, less dimensional soundtage than the latter -- everything is more "forward" in presentation. I'd ike to find an iteration that has both saturated tonality and dimensional soundstage with tight palpable bass response. Is that a Siemens cca?
@lowrider57  I have D, Large O and small O getter US made Amperex 6922s.  Your information is not correct.  I switched from the small to the large O getter and got even warmer and more vibrant sound, but very similar compared with other tubes.Haven't used my D getter tubes yet.