CD v Streamed

Uncompressed CD audio will take about 10.6mb per minute to play, to stream that takes big space and dollars to stream an album, see what your streaming company’s takes mb per minute to stream, find out and post up here.

I hear CD’s are better, I get better dynamic range from CD every time it’s A/B to me, now that could be that the streaming companies are using the "later compressed re-issues" of the same albums, you can find that out here
Or that the streaming process itself compresses the music to save "streaming size" to save big dollars even if in small amounts.

Here’s a video from the CEO of Disc Makers Pty Ltd, yes he probably also biased because he manufacturers CD’s and vinyl, and is a very bad dancer.

Cheers George
I am not sure why the need to choose.  I prefer CDs, or CDs burned to a HD, to streaming content from the likes of Qobuz.  The only measurements I have are my ears.  It doesn’t require much imagination to see why the content provider or the ISP have incentives to compress sources and throttle bandwidth.  I think that Qobuz sounds inferior, but it isn’t a night and day, it’s a subtle difference.
   However, do we need to argue it?  We can have it all.  Play CDs, burn them to a HD, or stream them.  A streaming subscription costs the price of a decent download.  Don’t want a dedicated streamer?  Use a PC.    We live in a time of fantastic sonic replay.  Live and let live
I am not sure why the need to choose.  I prefer CDs
However, do we need to argue it?

I think so to get some "measured proof" of what so many of us hear.
Instead of these continual threads that pop up asking which is better, but with no real answers to give.

Cheers George
Since when have measurements  proven what anyone hears?
ASR don't listen to nuttin'.
Transport with the right DAC Magnifico!!! Good to burn to HD.
Good streamer very enjoyable . Dedicated Mac mini gives me a lot of leeway.
It does not take 'big space and dollars' for a company to stream individual FLAC files.   Even streaming video, which requires much faster streaming rates, costs very little.