A decent preamp to complete my setup?

Hey everyone! I'm absolutely new to the hobby and am coming along with a turntable setup and have everything besides my preamp. So far I have a Technics sl-1200mkd3 turntable, two svs ultra bookshelf speakers, and a NuForce STA200 160 watt amp. I'm loving the setup so far because apparently the NuForce will do well with the SVS speakers, but I've been cautioned to use a preamp that has as low gain as possible since apparently the NuForce has a lot already (I admit I'm not too sure if this is a big deal or even much of an issue, but initially it makes sense). I've heard somewhere in the 2-3db region is great, but have no idea where to look for something like that. My budget is $300-$350 so I'm hoping that's enough to get something decent, do you guys have any suggestions? I don't want any bells or whistles like streaming, DAC, etc. Just a good preamp with volume control that's simple to run from my turntable to my amp. If the perfect piece of equipment for me is a little outside of my range I suppose I'd have no problem saving up a bit more to get it, but I'm hoping something that gives me the bare bones I'm looking for will be decently in my range.
Oops, wrong Harley. millercarbon meant this one:.

Home Theater for Everyone: A Practical Guide to Today’s Home Entertainment Systems https://g.co/kgs/8QSBU2

He got his bibles crossed up.
It’s like confusion is his specialty.
Look for well maintained vintage gear like Yamaha, Toshiba or Luxman. They had killer phono stages back in the day when vinyl ruled.
A decent preamp to complete my setup?

Your NuForce STA200 only needs a minuscule 0.45v input for full wattage output. And it’s got 50kohm input impedance, good for anything. Which makes an ideal candidate for a unity gain or low gain preamp.

Schiit Remote controlled Freya+ comes to mind for a combo of 3 x low gain preamps in one, switchable from passive to solid state to tube.

And they also do a phono stage if you need one. 

All their products come with a 15 day trial period

Cheers George

Parasound P3 or p5 have phono section?
both great preamps. 
A good used preamp would fit nicely, & save you some coin.