Solid state amplifiers and sound stage, especially front to back "depth"

I've been enjoying my trial period with the Van Alstine SET 400 stereo amplifier. When I'm done and have collected my thoughts, I may write up a summary.

In the meantime, a question for folks with more experience. I've noticed is that the amp produces a sound stage that is nicely defined and articulate from left to right, but not as much from front to back. (My Adcom was also unable to create sound stage depth.) I know my room is capable of that sound stage because my tube amp accomplishes it.

Question: Is it typical of solid state amps to have less of a front to back sound stage than tube amps? Do they vary in this regard? Or, perhaps, am I failing to do something -- such as re-position my speakers? (After all, I immediately get that sound stage back when I switch amplifier without moving anything else.)

If you have any experience with solid state amplifiers and sound stage -- front to back, left to right, or whatever, I'm curious.

This is not about me keeping or not keeping the amp. There are many things I already really like about it. But I'm wondering about this aspect.

Solid state amps do not play depth in the recording unless the recording has depth information but when you play a good recording they will have a lot of depth especially if your speakers are two or more feet out from the wall behind them.
In a room with acoustic controls in place, any relatively good amplifier WELL DESIGNED, produce depth accordingly proportionate to the ability of the recording engineer. ANY "well designed" S.S. or tubes....

Most people think they listen to their turntable or dac or amplifier or speakers....

It is a half-truth, then worst than a falsity....

We listen WITH and FROM the room filled by the reflecting waves crossing different pressure zones ...
Then for sure there is a difference in sound quality between dacs or amplifiers or speakers.... But there is most of the times way more less difference between pieces of gear than the huge difference between listening in an acoustically controlled room OR in an uncontrolled one...

Why most people then speak without end about the differences in sound between their gear pieces and only boast about them?

Because all marketing is there to sell "sonic heaven" with the only pieces which they can sell at the price of gold: electronical design engineering new pieces of gear....

I used straws and empty cardboard rolls and discardeed plumbers tubes and pipes from my basement to create my grid of Helmholtz resonators....

Then i know what i speak about....

The audiophile value of a system is not the price paid but is BASED on the OPTIMAL RATIO : Sound quality/price...

When we have any good audio system optimal by this ratio( then it is not the costlier in the world) we must take care of the ACOUSTIC of the room to go to another level.... Not necessary now to upgrade a piece at all cost by frustration...Like most people thought and did without paying attention to the acoustic...

Another reason i must say is that most people are in the obligation, with no other choice, to put their system in a common room and CANNOT transform the living room into an audio laboratory like i did in a dedicated room...

Sorry for you... 😥

But now you know that the most luxury and opulent tool in audio is not a piece of gear but the ROOM.....

Reading posts in audio, i know for sure that most people has never lived through this process of going from an ordinary room to a controlled room....If they would have do it , they will vouch about their room value FIRST not about a branded name of speakers or amplifiers....

It is easy to replace any piece of gear by a better one, less easy to learn how to control room acoustic...

And sorry buying costly acoustic panels will not do the job only half of of the job, and no sellers of acoutic panels anyway can say this truth to you if they want to sell their "miraculous" panels.... To do a good job may cost the price to enroll an acoustician for more than a week for activation of the room and not just put panels here or there.. I read an acoustician who speak about 50,000 bucks to do the job ... 😊😁

It cost me empty toilet paper rolls and straws, cardboard empty roll, plastic tube,metal pipes of various diameters etc ... Nobody will believe me.... But an Helmholtz engine do not need a precious metal enclosure or special material to work.....

Acoustic MAY cost nothing, save the time of the listenings experiments like a piano tuner tune a piano, you can tune your room....

 By the way my ears are average, no need of these "golden ears" spoke about by idiots....But average ears need more time..... It takes me full time 2 months for my grid.... It has been longer but not full time for the passive material treatment....
The OP swapped out his mono tube amps with depth for a solid state (SS) amp without depth. One swap back to validate the cause is not the recording, not the speaker placement, not room treatments.  
@decooney Exactly.

@ speakermaster

Solid state amps do not play depth in the recording unless the recording has depth information but when you play a good recording they will have a lot of depth especially if your speakers are two or more feet out from the wall behind them.

Sorry to repeat myself, both in the OP and in the follow up posts I did, but I have stated that my comparison is very carefully limited to those recordings with depth information as demonstrated by tube amps.

@mahgister I've already stated that I've paid a lot of attention to the room. You're dissertating on your favorite topic and celebrating your (apparently effective) Rube Goldberg inventions, at length, and hopefully someone benefits. It does nothing for the question at issue in my OP, but whatever. You want to write a long post about what you know and what you do and how inexpensive but effective it is? Have at it. 
@mahgister I’ve already stated that I’ve paid a lot of attention to the room. You’re dissertating on your favorite topic and celebrating your (apparently effective) Rube Goldberg inventions, at length, and hopefully someone benefits. It does nothing for the question at issue in my OP, but whatever. You want to write a long post about what you know and what you do and how inexpensive but effective it is? Have at it.
I was answering to something i judged to be wrong FROM SOMEONE ELSE NOT FROM YOUR EGO....Is the threads here always for the one person asking something?
Many read these posts like me.... I dont speak about politic or race or rap here....Then why not use your philosophical bent to make remark at least with humor? especially because you cannot refrain to correct me....

And i dont think my experiment with what you called "a Rube Goldberg invention" in a gibe , and which is called in science a Helmhotlz resonator , is out of the subject matter, save if you think that the question you asked only interested you...

i dont know why, but you must perhaps begin to forget about a post that is not for you or then banned explicitly in your thread anything you judge out of matter or anyone you decide to hate...

I will post when i judge it necessary if i want to answer ANY thread...

I dont act inappropriately....

I dont think that a long post is a motive for hate ....

Say it with humor i will apologize....

Take my place and read your 4 or 5 warnings against me with the same false neutral tone in other threads...

Spare me FURTHER warning and call the moderator instead...

By the way this acoustic subject about NO COST Helmholtz resonators is very important and NO ONE, save me, explain it...I know that for you i am an idiot with cheap "rube goldberg" fad but i dont like to be insulted...Especially if i am right...

Go and look all thread...No one speak about that very important acoustical use the way it may be used...They sell acoustic panel but it is half the job.... And this is NOT MY OPINION, this is pure acoustic fact...

Then before " diplomatically" insulting my device which is not a KENJIT machine nor a Rube Goldberg one save for audio snobs with costly devices, but only a legit acoustic device, think 2 times...

I am also philosophically inclined , then dont be surprized if i speak about philosophy in some other threads and keep your warning.... You are not god here...

I think i prefer direct insult from someone instead of being "diplomatically" warned with words without humor and a "paternal" cold tone....Hate me in silence ...By the way i like Rube Goldberg but i really hate to be treated like a clown....

I understand why you speak but try to understand other perspective...You are not the center of the world and i am not the only one to hate here...

And try to refute my arguments in acoustic or other matter, instead of "warning" me....