Replace Logitech Squeezebox Duet

I give up. Can’t get my units to connect to the PC with my files.

What is available as a replacement? My music is on a PC. I want to feed it to my audio system. And a remote that shows the album art would be nice.
To me this rules out Sonos. 
Are you running Logitech media server on the computer? Squeeze devices connect to that.
Yes. My setup has run for many years. A week ago we had a 5 hour power outage. Since then the remote cannot find the base. All it sees is I have pushed the button on the base to make it blink red until my finger is red. I have set the remote to factory status many times. I have connected it to my network many times.  The remote just never lists my base as one of the Players. 
Have you tried using a web browser on a computer on your network if you have one as the controller to connect to LMS and see if your Squeezebox duet shows there?
In any case, most streamers you would replace an older SB with wiki use an app that runs on a smartphone tablet or other device as controller/remote and will display Whatever art or tags are available.
What url for the browser? I can open the server app on the pc but have not seen an option for a list of players.
Virtually any streamer. Load piCore player (free) onto a RasPi ($100 on up)
Gives you full blown LMS with UPnP. It should see your PC.
If you put your music on a local drive you can see it and load it via WiFi anywhere on the network with your PC. Probably can on iOS too but I would not know or care how.
Make sure you put it on a surge protector.