Inheritance ($100K) with a caveat

So you inherit $100k but with the caveat all the monies be put into a two channel stereo system.
And can never sell.
What to do?
Analog? Digital? Both? Tube? Solid State? Cables? Room treatments? Build a stereo room?…

$30,000 for Magnepan 30.7s...the other $70,000 will be for the divorce attorney when my wife sees them in her living room. 
I guess I must be NO ONE. As Alfred E.said. 
"What, me worry?'

Why are you asking OP,?
I don't care what you do, why do you care??
I'd do what I always do, buy whatever makes me happy.
No relevance to anyone else.
Any horn speaker
Viking Acoustic Grande Voix
Avantegarde Duo

Lampizator Golden Gate or Pacific --tubes
Lucas Audio LMDS - Music Server

Any good SET tube amp.

Inakustic 3500P Power conditioner

The rest spent on Power Cords and Cables.  
Actually, that just happened to me. I got a pair of Sound Labs, a new Sota Cosmos Vacuum with a Schroder CB tonearm and Soundsmith Voice cartridge, a newly decorated media room and a hot tub for the wife.