Replace Logitech Squeezebox Duet

I give up. Can’t get my units to connect to the PC with my files.

What is available as a replacement? My music is on a PC. I want to feed it to my audio system. And a remote that shows the album art would be nice.
To me this rules out Sonos. 
something like:

ip address of computer running the Logitech Media server and port 9000

Players connected to the server should show in dropdown menu in the upper right.  If not try restarting Logitech Media Server and if still not there rebooting the Squeezebox.
The drop down shows no players. The Duet box is connected by Ethernet.  The remote gives me an option for wireless or Ethernet. I choose Ethernet and it never finishes looking. If I select Wireless it finally gives up saying it can’t find my network. Even though an earlier setting showed my network pre-selected.
BTW, I've got a SQ touch and I've switched to using Roon instead of LMS and I am so happy. 

The screen integration is not great, but Roon is a dream to configure install vs. LMS.
Well, switched base units and remote. Pushed button on base to get blinking red. Remote was showing the web site as player then up popped the base. Selected it and then chose Ethernet. After a bit the remote indicated it had connected to the base. Everything worked except there was no audio out from the base. I know the rest of the audio system works because if I touch the RCA plug I get hum from the system.