Thanks for your follow-up listening impressions and comments. You note the transparency of the Coincident Statement Line Stage (CSL). And you’re right, audio system synergy of components/cables are very key and will be exposed.
In my opinion the CSL doesn’t lack tonal density. It entirely depends on what it’s partnered with. The exceptional level of transparency allows the signature of each component and cable to be revealed/recognized. Tone can be leaner or fuller -meat on the bone. The CSL very likely has less of a "self" sonic signature than the Modwright LS 100 relatively speaking. So the LS 100 could add a bit of flavor sonically speaking. CLS more chameleon in nature.
Bottom line I don’t believe that you can go wrong with either line stage. Just depends on which approach you want to take. I will say that with the current make up of my system, tonal density and harmonic richness are strengths.
Which ever choice you make, best of luck to you.