I love this forum dearly but don't get me started on its quirks. Compared to the other sites I inhabit (among others, a bicycle forum and a violin forum), Audiogon's software just doesn't seem to want to create a readable message. What you see when you compose the message and what ends up published are often different enough to make the published message look more like the Dead Sea Scrolls than anything else.
Then, there's the tendency of many contributors to just write, write, write until either the needle has worn a new groove in the lead-out groove, their fingers fall off, or the kitchen stove catches fire.
The cure dear fellow audio-foil? As you read the forum, keep the stereo cranked and happily obsess over the amount of spit the vocalist on the recording is launching onto his/her mike.
I love this forum dearly but don't get me started on its quirks. Compared to the other sites I inhabit (among others, a bicycle forum and a violin forum), Audiogon's software just doesn't seem to want to create a readable message. What you see when you compose the message and what ends up published are often different enough to make the published message look more like the Dead Sea Scrolls than anything else.
Then, there's the tendency of many contributors to just write, write, write until either the needle has worn a new groove in the lead-out groove, their fingers fall off, or the kitchen stove catches fire.
The cure dear fellow audio-foil? As you read the forum, keep the stereo cranked and happily obsess over the amount of spit the vocalist on the recording is launching onto his/her mike.