Help Me Improve My Turntable Set-Up


Reaching out to the community in hope of some help.  I put together a system but I have been disappointed with the sound quality.  Any insight you guys can provide to make this come alive would be greatly appreciated. I have:

  1. Harbeth P3ESR speakers
  2. Schiit Aegir amp
  3. Schiit Saga tubes pre-apmp
  4. Schiit Mani phono amp
"...Tekton. No, seriously..."

Yes the loudspeakers are holding you back. Doesn't have to be Tekton but something bigger and more efficient. 
Your Harbeths just need subwoofers. They should be up on stands at ear level. With good subwoofers and two way bass management they will out perform any Tekton loudspeaker by a landslide. I would certainly do this before you spend money elsewhere. You can not tell how good your bass is if you do not have any. But, the Harbeth midrange and tweeter are superior and smaller boxes generally have less trouble with resonance issues. 
Harbeth speakers have a great reputation. They have great potential.

What specifically is the problem. Lack of bass? Lack of details… imaging?

What is your room like? What is your speaker placement? Is all the equipment broken in… that is do all the components have at least 200 hours playing.

It is very possible the system is not set up very well, that can make a huge difference.

The system should start by being roughly in triangle you being at the apex and a bit further back than the distance between the speakers.. Start with them toed in pointing at your listening position.

The speakers need to be on solid stands (no vibration) and out of the corners.

Can you try a more powerful amp?The Harbeths are wonderful speakers but they need power to really come alive. Also those speakers are meant for a small/medium room.Along with a couple of subs in the back corners they will rock.
Thanks everyone.  I do have a good set up.  The Harbeths are on stands that bring them to ear level.  They are set away from the corners.  My chair is centered between the two speakers.  The speakers are pointed at the listening position.

I do agree with jtcf1's suggestion that I get a more powerful amp.  The Aegir does seem under-powered.