OK - Now What…?

Gryphon Diablo 300
Sonus Faber Serafino Tradition 
Aurender A10 Streamer/DAC
Triode Wire Connectors
Amazon Sine-Wave Battery Back-Up
Transparent PowerBank

I sadly got rid of all my vinyl ages ago…so I’m not sure I’m ready for a high-end TT….

I am absolutely thrilled with the sound of this system. Honey - Chocolate Mouse - Chilean Sea Bass - and then Gordon Ramsey jumps out at me screaming expletives but then Mother Teresa calms him down.

Guys - What’s my next move…? 
The Amazon commercial back-up…? Better power conditioning…?

Any and all suggestions welcome…!

Thank you..!

Why in the world would you have gotten rid of all your vinyl and the equipment to play it? I just played a few records last night and was blown away by some of them, yes some don't sound great, but some sound excellent! Same with cd's or streaming....not all sound great...you just ditched some possibly irreplaceable recordings. I'll never understand why people do this. Music in all formats is how I roll...but when seriously listening, it is always vinyl.
I know… I’m really missing those albums.  It was ages ago and I was moving around a lot for work, so I stored some 800 records in a friends garage and they got ruined by years of moisture.  Very sad…

Just in case, plan on room for a TT.

To easily get back into Vinyl, this Direct Drive Audio Technica comes with cartridge mounted and aligned, you just select tracking force and matching anti-skate.


It has a built-in optional phono eq, so you can use it with any line level input. I preferred this phono eq to a McIntosh C28 phono, it sounds darn good.

Then, if you get hooked, off you go

upgrade step one: get a spare headshell and a new cartridge with an advanced stylus shape; wider channel separation; and tighter channel balance.


Advanced stylus shape cost more at first, however they last longer, so not much more really.

  • Spherical / Conical - 150hrs
  • Elliptical - 250hrs
  • Shibata/Line contact - 400hrs
  • SAS/MicroRidge - 500hrs


note: a few inexpensive tools and skills (you or a friend) are needed to mount and align any cartridge, the advanced stylus shapes need precision for maximum performance and reduce wear to LP grooves.

upgrade two: new TT. Get an arm with removable headshell for existing and future cartridges, including an eventual Mono cartridge.
I bet that Diablo jams! Now what? Go stock up on some good cabs. Your system will sound even better when you're drinking ;).
If all that gear is in a regular living space, and the speakers aren't in their optimal position, no additional spending or anything will make it sound

Those Sonus Faber's should be out in the room along with appropriate damping/diffusion throughout the room.