Why is science just a starting point and not an end point?

Measurements are useful to verify specifications and identify any underlying issues that might be a concern. Test tones are used to show how equipment performs below audible levels but how music performs at listening levels is the deciding criteria. In that regard science fails miserably.

Why is it so?

Why is science just a starting point and not an end point?

Measurements are useful to verify specifications and identify any underlying issues that might be a concern. Test tones are used to show how equipment performs below audible levels but how music performs at listening levels is the deciding criteria. In that regard science fails miserably.

Why is it so?

No doubt about it, Speakers are so hyped up, Read what Seas says about their tweeters, 
You might think they  are the most gorgeous sounding fq's in all audio, Well I can assure you, the ONLY spec you need to know in all speaker tech specs, is 
~~~Sensitivity~~~ all else is meaningless.

Science can be nothing more than propaganda  to get us to believe things that just are not true. 
Seas and sacn speaks tweeters are below 90db, = to me worthless for accurate, full rich, open musical reproduction, 
The new wide range claim they are the finest sound speakers in the world. 
Now that is not hype nor propaganda, Its the truth,. as the sens is over 92db. 
Science  is  all measuments, which have nothing whatsoever to do with the actual sound. 

The only spec that  I am interested in is 
~~Sensitivity~~ all else is meaningless jargon. 
I know the 2 wide band labs are the worlds finest spakers,,I do not need to read about them. Nor demo,. 
Watch the propaganda concerning speakers measurments. 
It may have you believing/imagining things that are just not  true. 
The real thrust, is how they actually sound. 
Thats the proof of the science. All else is bunk.

05-05-2021 7:52p
mahgister5,689 posts05-05-2021 8:51pm
In that regard science fails miserably.
Science dont fail at all...Pseudo scientist fail....

Only those not using their own ears at the endpoint fail...Science do what science did the best: give us great engineering possibilities...

Science is marketed now a  days, 
**Gee don't these xover speakers sound just fantastic, you need xover designed speakers*** 
Since that was most marketed , we had no choice but to believe **the experts* The speaker labs.
Little did we know the real deal speakers were pushed under the run. 
The 1929 Field Coils made in Chicago, The German Klangfilm Field Coils, 1920's. 
These  produced authentic midrange in glorious colors,
Fast forward 50 years, 
Along came the xover types, = money making designs. 

That old science has been reborn in the new high sens designs,,,, and  only a  very select few with highly tarined sensibilities anda   thirst for super high fidelity will make The New  Speaker science  a  part of their sound system.
The  rest of the audiophile community will pretend this new science does not even exsist.
mahgister5,689 posts05-05-2021 8:51pm
In that regard science fails miserably.
Science dont fail at all...Pseudo scientist fail...
Sorry but your quote is from the OP of this thread not from me...

Science never fails miserably...

Only "self appointed scientist" here fails miserably...

Then dont implicate me in your future irrational  rant....

I’d much rather read here how people leverage science to help find what they seek rather than philosophical discussions on the merits of science. That is a moot point. 
mapman19,263 posts05-07-2021 7:49pmDiscounting science is a popular hobby with people these days it seems. It helps make some feel special I guess to discount things they do not understand and just say they know better and there is always a captive audience for that.  Just like for the crap fast food people eat and the junk shows on TV they eat up as well. Whereas the reality is that mastering any field of science or any other actual field of value (not merely unbridled ideology) is what actually makes people special. How about those Mars landings? How’d they do that? It takes an education and a lot of thought. It’s the only way to get things done. Wherever you might get it from.

Mars/space industry is a   complete totally waste of human effort and genius. 
Science has been a  phenomenon lately, but is there anything really to show that has made, can make life  in the future any better?
The most important science is being completely, well lets say is being severly neglected. That of psychology. 
Not the kind taught in the Universities, 
I am speaking of the studies Jung left behind, which are being ignored and worse misunderstood. 

Science is  the agent of man's genius that has and is now,  slowly but surely destroying the delicate balance of the earth;s natural eco systems. 
Science  gave the tools to destroy, can science now make tools to heal and restore the planet?