Upgrade from Cardas Neutral Reference speaker cables

Hi there,
I would love to hear from guys who upgraded speaker cables from Cardas NR. I am in the mood to upgrade my speaker cables and need some suggestions as what would be a step up, preferably in same price range as NR or up to 50% more. Prefer suggestions from previous Cardas NR owners. I am open to any brand of cables.

One thing about Golden Reference ... it can be too much of a good thing when using an entire loom (i.e., ICs and Speaker). When I did, I heard a distinct bloat in the mid-bass. So, I removed the ICs and kept the GR speaker cable in the system. The GR ICs are now collecting dust in my closet, and I have replaced them with Audio Envy.  
i am sure cardas makes even more expensive cables than the neu-ref!

surely a major sonic upgrade, for sure!  neutrality can be sooo overrated... :)

happy hunting...
@theo I have been using Golden Cross now for about 7-8 years and have actually been looking at switching to Golden Reference.

That’s partially what I did. Golden Cross was a very good match and musical with my brighter solid state amps of the past. Golden Cross was definitely too veiled over laid back for my prior and current tube amps. The next goal was to figure out something 1/2 way between.

Currently using the original standard "Cross" bi-wire for my speaker cables; not so veiled over. And, paired with the updated Golden Reference interconnects it's a nice mix. It’s more open and transparent yet retains the musicality and some of the weight keeping it all Cardas in my system. To open it up even more or to add a tad more detail, I mix in one pair of Analysis Plus OCC crystals anywhere in the chain. Allows for a few different presentations. The blend of the two brands and these models can also be very nice for those who prefer big open sound. It’s been fun and interesting to mix these for a hybrid result. Your results may vary.

decooney, I am in a transitional period here before I will make a change. But it is good to hear others experience with different Cardas products. I really plan to stay with Cardas as the cables and company both have served me very well. I am switching from a ARC Ref5se to an Ayre KX5twenty (not arrived yet) as I wanted to go back to solid state. And I just ordered new Sonus Faber Olympica Nova III's that I don't expect for a few weeks at least. So once these all get broken in, I will be making a decision and start looking for a set of Golden Ref's 

audiojan, I have only added the Clear line as power cords and use both the Clear and Clear beyond. I have been wanting to try a set of IC's and will someday. I think the best place to try them is between the Pre and Amp, but want to hear what I get with the new Pre and Speakers first.