FEX EX Damaged New Legacy's

I just had to refused shipment on a pair Legacy Foundation subs. They were skidded, stood on end, strapped, and very nicely packaged. But....two big holes in the upper part of the corners revealed a nice blemish/scuff and  indentation on the front of one of the speakers. The Foundations use no grill, so what's visible is going to be REALLY visible. At a list price of 4350.00 dollars a piece you would think whoever checkmarks the damage at Fed Ex would have a look. I say that because the driver admitted his paperwork showed " damaged" ... I took pictures, called my dealer and he's taking care of it. I'm not a bit concerned as Legacy has always been super to deal with. Crap ...... 
Fedex this year alone has lost. I mean LOST as in we have no idea what happened to it lost. Not 1 but 2 6.7L power stroke Diesel engines. These are shipped in big 5'-6' square black totes or equal size palleted crates.


This is a simple one.. they were stolen. Nothing worse than a thief.

So we are clear. I never even took pen or pencils much less nut or bolts from work.. Others I worked with and FOR thought nothing of stealing from someone. Not even hesitate. Stealing is stealing..  I worked for a guy that stole MILLIONS from his parts suppliers.. No one knew it until they started sending the employees the notices of "Demanding payment" to be directed to the owner.. "Travelholic".

Railroad cargo theft is so bad and the payolla so HIGH it's a taboo to even talk about it.. BILLIONS a year.. 

I'm telling you, MOST people think it's ok to STEAL.. I see it every day JUST with employees using cell phones at work.. My friend that's pure and simple THEFT.. No different than walking in and stealing stuff off a shelf in a store.. NOT one bit of difference.. Go ahead and tell me how your BOSS does it.. They are the worst of all, managers and owners..

LOL Don't own a thing on the shelf, but will steal it and GIVE it to someone else.. World is full of them.. I worked with/for quit a few the same way..
Post removed 
35,000 Euro for the same updated remote.
We need more info on this! 
when you see them racing their trucks and taking sharp turns too fast, you don't want your precious items there. they're good for delivering letters and anything alike letters. the rest of items might not sustain their crazy pace.
Shipping by no matter who is a part of business online. I don't assume all is well until said piece of gear is safe in my home. OP was smart to refuse delivery of the speakers. THAT is the best recourse. Once you sign the BOL even if you note the damage on the BOL, it can still be a nightmare.