Could The Music Room biz model be duplicated? A second TMR?

TMR has a great thing going; professionally tested, well-photographed, researched, guaranteed trial and good shipping policies. They have a partner (somehow) with PS Audio's trade in program. It's a huge success and had lead to many happy customers and a lot of in-home trials.

My question is: Could someone else pull this off? Are we destined to have just one TMR in the country?

I think about a company, say, like Parasound. Lots of sales, very professional business, worldwide sales. What if they started a trade in business like PS Audio and had a companion business like TMR.

Could our country use a second TMR? Wouldn't that be awesome?

Or maybe TMR could expand and have a second location -- say, in California, near lots of shipping ports.

Just thinking aloud here.
Having doing business a couple of times with TMR, they seem to have a very good business model. It would take a good amount of capital and a dedicated, intelligent staff to duplicate their success. IMHO.
You should check out Echo Audio. Much smaller, but a similar business model. Lots of great used gear at prices that are hard to beat and great ethics. They have talked me out of buying something I was interested in more than once.
There is another one. Or was?I'm not sure if they are still doing business.
I've been happy doing business with TMR a few times myself.
audio classics Vestal NY has a lot of used gear as does Hawthorne in Seattle. but as a happy customer f all three, TMR is unique. Speaker shipped to  them is uneconomic on my last quote..but ya can’t always win….

i think TMR is > 15 employees now, doing something, many things right…
Anyone remember Jeff's Sound Values. There have been others in the past. And there are others today, as has been pointed out.