Could The Music Room biz model be duplicated? A second TMR?

TMR has a great thing going; professionally tested, well-photographed, researched, guaranteed trial and good shipping policies. They have a partner (somehow) with PS Audio's trade in program. It's a huge success and had lead to many happy customers and a lot of in-home trials.

My question is: Could someone else pull this off? Are we destined to have just one TMR in the country?

I think about a company, say, like Parasound. Lots of sales, very professional business, worldwide sales. What if they started a trade in business like PS Audio and had a companion business like TMR.

Could our country use a second TMR? Wouldn't that be awesome?

Or maybe TMR could expand and have a second location -- say, in California, near lots of shipping ports.

Just thinking aloud here.
You should check out Echo Audio. Much smaller, but a similar business model. Lots of great used gear at prices that are hard to beat and great ethics. They have talked me out of buying something I was interested in more than once.
There is another one. Or was?I'm not sure if they are still doing business.
I've been happy doing business with TMR a few times myself.
audio classics Vestal NY has a lot of used gear as does Hawthorne in Seattle. but as a happy customer f all three, TMR is unique. Speaker shipped to  them is uneconomic on my last quote..but ya can’t always win….

i think TMR is > 15 employees now, doing something, many things right…
Anyone remember Jeff's Sound Values. There have been others in the past. And there are others today, as has been pointed out.

@theo Don’t get me wrong -- I love TMR and will continue, happily, to do business with them.

I’m just thinking about this because we have a country with 330 million people and brick and mortar stores in audio are continuing to go under. There are other manufacturers besides ps audio that could benefit from a partner arrangement with a second TMR, too.

So, nothing against TMR and I wish them continued success. I’m just imagining that the country could be big enough either for another TMR or even another store like it.

But you and others raise a good point about whether the country could support two TMR. I suppose if we agreed that it couldn’t, then the industry is really in decline.

I like Echo Audio and the others, but the variety of TMR is exceptional. I'm just imagining that something like TMR was located in CA. The number of companies local to them would be enormous, and if a couple were large -- say, Schiit and Parasound -- there could be a synergy that works. Access to shipping and transportation, plus the scale of the CA economy...could be a winner.