Could The Music Room biz model be duplicated? A second TMR?

TMR has a great thing going; professionally tested, well-photographed, researched, guaranteed trial and good shipping policies. They have a partner (somehow) with PS Audio's trade in program. It's a huge success and had lead to many happy customers and a lot of in-home trials.

My question is: Could someone else pull this off? Are we destined to have just one TMR in the country?

I think about a company, say, like Parasound. Lots of sales, very professional business, worldwide sales. What if they started a trade in business like PS Audio and had a companion business like TMR.

Could our country use a second TMR? Wouldn't that be awesome?

Or maybe TMR could expand and have a second location -- say, in California, near lots of shipping ports.

Just thinking aloud here.
A business in California? Forget it. Why would anyone want to pay for a ridiculously expensive lease on a warehouse full of junk(that's what it is outside of audio nuts) to a constantly shrinking customer base?

Add to that all the administrative/logistical cost to operate such a business, it would definitely be a labor of love and not a profitable one. 

Maybe if you owned the building, somehow you magically acquired a boatload of great used gear and a minimal staff who is knowledgeable and are financially independent, and are there just for the love of audio.

I purchased a  phono cartridge from TMR at a  great price. They have items that catch my attention now and then. You can also negotiate their listing prices too, which on the face is typically high.

I've had very positive dealings with TMR. They were quick to resolve a minor issue with an amp i purchased from them and their pricing (with the expected retail markup) is reasonable, unlike Skifi. Skifi charge "we're close to Manhattan" sky high prices for gear that really isn't all that special. I think their customer base is the type that brags how much they spent with more equalling better.
I've done business with TMR and echo the positive things posted by others here.  I also agree that healthy competition benefits both the buyer and seller, so if another company in that space would come along, I'd say give them some consideration as well.
@ejr1953  Here here. Naysayers gonna nay. Brick and mortar is in trouble, and TMR is proving a new mode for the hobby. Our country is enormous. One need only look at the options for cables, speakers, etc. to know there's capacity for one more TMR. 
Maybe the Audiopimp will rise from New Jersey. Or was in New York? That was a while ago.