Quantum Science Audio Thread

This is a thread for those who wish to discuss Quantum Science Audio products of all types.
Can I ask a serious question?

Why are some of you guys here in this thread, and why do you feel the need to keep posting?

Some of us are here because we’re genuinely interested in the OP thread.

I don't get it.

Do you have anything helpful to offer or share? 

This sort of thread should not be allowed, as it is not on other more technically believable audio forums.
No, actually, these kind of threads are to be allowed. It's your silly comments and attempts to derail threads that should not be allowed and thankfully, some have already been deleted.

All the best,

It is not always some very courageous people who wanted to save humanity... Sometimes some mandated people from "God" want to also....Sometimes "idiots" with a fad wanted to also....

I dont have any problems with all these saviors...

Except with those who wanted to save me in spite of my will to be "lost"...

It's the same old gang pushing these 1000% markup!!! fuses, you don't have to be Einstein to work out what's going on.
A few months ago I purchased a used pair of speakers from another Agon member. To my surprise all the fuses were Orange fuses. I listened to them and then to satisfy my curiosity I replaced them with ordinary buss fuses and could not hear a difference. I did this test with a bunch of friends and neither I or them could hear a difference. Im not picking a side here as I don't give a care what people spend their money on, just relating my experience.