OK, so I have to ask. Is this real, or is this a joke?
This is plastered several times on the Audiogon home page: "High Fidelity Cables NPS-1260 3D Enhancer 1.5ml" for $349. Am I late to the April fool’s party? How much for a gallon?
Thanx clearthinker for thinking clearly. Please let me be more blunt. Anybody who buys this stuff is being sucker punched. It does ABSOLUETLY NOTHING to improve the quality of ANYTHING. Please, spend your money on better equipment. Support those that make an honest living making great equipment for us not these charlatans.
Another Dilbert Dude who thinks any sound can be fixed with digital correction including a ceiling riding atop of speakers.. Spend your money to raise your surf board ceiling off your 7ft speakers..If you had a taller room then you could buy taller speakers....Tom
I am not going to buy this stuff.But I find it ridiculous when people present their opinion even without experiencing the product. Of course they are entitled to their opinions - but they may not be valid. And to ridicule someone because they found a positive impact in their system is even more surprising. The differences in how systems are setup makes a huge impact on resolving power and identifying minuscule changes.
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