What I’m looking for in a streaming transport

I want to move past my laptop for streaming. These are the things I’m looking for- does such a product exist?

1- One box turnkey product- I’m not building it 
2- Reasonable UI
3- no internal DAC
4- native Tidal & Qobuz
5- linear power supply 
6- USB out; spdif and BNC outs would be nice but not essential 
7- USB input for thumb drive
8- first rate sound
9- $1,500 or so upper end 

so far, I don’t think there is anything on the market that meets all points on my wish list. Closest I see is Innuos Zen Mini Mk 3 with LPS 

if I’m wrong please tell me 
Used Bryston BDP Pi or BDP 2. Comes close. Saw a Pi (with SGC LPS) and a 2 (with upgrades) over on usaudiomart the other day. Manic Moose is certainly spartan but it works and the SQ is up there with the best. My Pi has been discontinued but I still get firmware updates and support. Both Work stand alone or as Roons endpoint. The perk with those units is you can add a USB DVD drive or Bryston BOT -1 and Manic Moose will allow you to rip CDs to connected storage. I was in my local library the other day and saw an entire shelf of Jazz CDs to check out. Im’a rip them all.

If you don’t mind a little effort in setting it up, a Raspberry Pi is an excellent streamer. Depending how you configure it you can get set < $200. 
I am searching for the same thing. The Lumin Mini seems to be the best choice in the streamer only space, but still too expensive for my tastes. In the meantime I put together a Pi 4 with an Allo DigiOne board and low end LPS, all running Moode. Running it through a Gumby and it sounds pretty amazing. Nice upgrade from my Sonos Connect. I am keeping my eyes open for an even better solution at the right price.
Teddy also has a LPS upgrade for the Bluesound Node.   UI is outstanding.   I use mine for streaming and also for transport of .flacs stored on an NAS hanging off the same router.  Internal DAC is OK but will be the  second upgrade.