Manley Chinook to Aesthetix Rhea Signature?

Curious if anyone has an input as to jumping from my Manley Chinook to a Aesthetix Rhea Signature would be worth the cost? Running a Hana ML and love the sound, but the curiosity has got the cat. I'm really surprised at how quiet the Chinook is especially coming from solid state. I would image the Hana ML doesn't require too high of gain to present too much noise in the Aesthetix?
@tomic601 wish I had a dealer in the area that had the product availability. One dealer out here sells but doesn't stock inventory, to my knowledge. Very nice gentleman though. 

@jperry .4Mv for the Hana ML
super nice system I would be inlined to isolate your existing tube phono with HRS base or similar products ( symposium, etc ), do some tube rolling, get into a silver AQ cable from arm to phono stage  ( if it has a DIN ), iF the Manley has a non torrid transformer, find a VPI Magic brick for it. Finally a Hana Umami .

@tomic601 likewise my friend. That custom faceplate on the Herron looks damn good!

Hana Umami is in the cards, but I enjoy bourbon too much to purchase one at the moment. I'd definitely like to put my Hana up against at Keseki Blue soon though. 

So since the Aesthetix Rhea is pure tube without FET's you'd suggest tweaks over the upgrade? Also, the HRS platform are really THAT good?