New TT, Arm and MC Cartridge

Today is my birthday. I am seventy-two today. I have been lower than the mud under a snake's belly since my wife of fifty-one years and committed lover of fifty-four years passed away last month. I am going to buy myself a present.
That present is going to be a new turntable, tonearm and MC cartridge. I probably won't buy it for another week or two. What I presently have in mind is a Clearaudio Performance DC table or perhaps the Performance DC Wood table, the Satisfy carbon or perhaps the Tracer tone arm and a Clearaudio Talisman V2 Gold MC cartridge. Part of the reason for this choice is I have had good history with the dealer who sells them.
I would love to hear from any respondents who think this is a good choice or a bad choice.

I like your attitude. As an x-ray tech I see a lot of life. One time I go in the ER to do a chest x-ray. The man says, "I am 75 years old, my childhood sweetheart and wife of 54 years just passed,so you tell me why I need to go on living." No kidding. He was serious. So we talked a while.

If you like the Clearaudio sound then it is a good choice. Simple as that.

I hope you get it, hook it up, kick back and enjoy. May you find yourself lost in the music. A lot of times being relaxed like that will take you back, and you may find yourself lost in wonderful memories of your time together. And that is all right too.
Reminds me to go hug my lovely of just 31 years. Do it ! God bless you man and my prayers for oeace grace and her smiling down on ya spinning records…
Sorry for your loss, but I think that your response is splendid.

I use the TransFi Terminator tonearm, a hybrid air bearing / mechanical pivot linear tracker. At $1000 or so it's the best value in high end - I don't think you can buy a better one for less than the price of a new car. The best thing about it is its adjustability, which is the only way to get the best out of any cartridge.

Actually, I use two of them - one on a Nottingham Analogue upgraded to Dais specification for Mono (Mayajima Zero), and a DIY air bearing monster (Koetsu Patinum).

Good luck!