Don't shoot yourself in the foot.
I called and left messages at Audio Classics 3 times, no return call. Got someone live, they said they would personally give the message (pre-arrange overhaul of my mx110z tube tuner/preamp) to Ryan.
I wrote, scolded them this way and that.
Ryan wrote, apologized, explained incredibly busy.
I wrote, an old man teaching a young person a valuable lesson: "An Apology, WITH an Explanation is NOT an Apology".
He replied, acknowledged that, letting me know they were there for me if I needed them.
OK, I got over myself, visited my friend in Vestal, NY (their location), met Ryan (heck of a nice person) at their place with my beloved unit. Signed the wooden door they have visitors and customers sign. They did a great job, did not go over-board, got it done and shipped back to me.
Later, gave me confidant advice when purchasing my little Luxman.
I called and left messages at Audio Classics 3 times, no return call. Got someone live, they said they would personally give the message (pre-arrange overhaul of my mx110z tube tuner/preamp) to Ryan.
I wrote, scolded them this way and that.
Ryan wrote, apologized, explained incredibly busy.
I wrote, an old man teaching a young person a valuable lesson: "An Apology, WITH an Explanation is NOT an Apology".
He replied, acknowledged that, letting me know they were there for me if I needed them.
OK, I got over myself, visited my friend in Vestal, NY (their location), met Ryan (heck of a nice person) at their place with my beloved unit. Signed the wooden door they have visitors and customers sign. They did a great job, did not go over-board, got it done and shipped back to me.
Later, gave me confidant advice when purchasing my little Luxman.