Sweet new tube amp needs better speakers

I am trying to move up from my old Martin Logan 40"s. I recently bought a Cayin CS-55a  30 watt Integrated tube amp. It sounds really good with EL34s or the KT88s. I bought a pair of Triangle Borea Br-03 bookshelf speakers (under $500 / pair) and was Wowed by the improvement in sound. Now I want to move up. My goal is to upgrade to a set of speakers in the $2000 to $4000 price range. they should be floor standers under 43 inches tall and with a sensitivity of over 90db. I don't want them to be excessively bright and I don't plan on using a subwoofer.. We mostly listen to blues, rock and roots music (African, Brazilian  and Middle Eastern). My room is about 14 by 20 and open on the short side to the kitchen. I have been looking at Teckton Perfect Set 2- 10, Zu Omen MK II. Kef Q-950, ProAc DT-8 and the Triangle BR-09 and Gaia EZ. 

thank you in advance for any feedback and suggestions 
Tectons are 3 months out
Zu's out of stock

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Stereophile has a review on the KLH5. It is a 6ohm speaker that dips to 3.5 ohms at 140HZ.  88ish sensitivity. Might not be a good choice for a 30wpc EL34 based tube amplifier.
I’ve heard the ProAc DT 8 powered by tube amps of similar output and I liked what I heard.  I heard the Zu speakers powered by solid state amps.  The Zu’s are extremely dynamic and exciting, but they have a hard edge to the attack of notes and can sound quite brittle.  This is a speaker that I think is very polarizing; I know a number of listeners who thoroughly hate it (I kind of like it, but I also understand why it can be so off-putting).  I haven’t heard the Triangle speaker you are considering, but, I’ve heard others and generally like the brand.

Good luck on your search.
Thank you for explaining the sound of the Zu. I was considering them because I really love the way they look. I think I will back off from the Zu and get the Triangles or wait for a Tekton Perfect Set 2-10. Unless I can find some used DeVores.

Yes, the Response DT8 is what I was referring to.  I think you'd be happy with me.  Much more refined than some of the other options you're considering.
Crites Speaker.  Look and size of Klipsch Cornwall.  Make yourself or premade in unfinished birch.  Bass down to 35 Hz or so.  But I use a couple subs.  Selenium tweeter update.  About 2000 to your door.  They have a live accurate sound with nice punch if needed.  Sound good at lower volumes.  Some will say mid range coloration due to no bracing in cabinets but they don't cost 10k either.  ALK makes a different crossover if preferred. 

I clear coated mine.  My wife likes them without the grills. 

PI makes another DIY or assembled.  Cost varies with options but less than 2500.